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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

If you see a term or acronym here that you do not understand, use the toggle buttons above to visit the Grants Management Glossary. You can use search tools to quickly find terms on any page by using the 'Find' function. To get the 'Find' function hit Ctrl F or click on Edit in the menu bar, scroll down and click on Find.

You might notice the same question but it has different answers throughout the FAQ section. Answers can vary depending on the process in question. Check and make sure you are reviewing the question that corresponds only to the process you're questioning. A majority of the following FAQs can also be answered in the Grants Management Handbook, which is located as a download on the Grants Management Enterprise homepage.




I want to apply for a grant but I can't access the Grants Management On-Line Application secure process. How can I get a username and password?

Only signers on the General Statement of Assurance are given access to Grants Management secure processes.

See the General Statement of Assurance and Username/Password FAQ sections for more information.

I have gone into On-line Application and do not see the grant Application I am looking for. I have checked with the appropriate program area and it is available, what am I doing wrong?

The first page when entering On-line Application is the Progress page. This page lists all On-line Applications that have been initiated. To get to all On-line Applications that are currently available to LEAs, click on the 'Create New' button.

Are the due dates firm for all grants?

Application due dates for discretionary/competitive grants are firm. An On-line Application must be submitted to ADE by midnight on the due date, which is posted in the Fund Alert. If it is a Hardcopy Application it must reside at ADE no later than 5pm on the due date as specified in the funding information provided, and postmarks are not considered.

In general, due dates for grants based on entitlement monies (typically non-competitive and based on formula) are less firm and schools eligible for these funds may be eligible to apply beyond the posted deadline. Contact the appropriate program office to verify the availability of funding beyond the posted deadline.

What is the difference between the entitlement and competitive grant processes?

Entitlement/Formula Grant

  • A grant based on a state or federal mandate, or a formula where ADE does not have discretion and merely acts as a conduit.
  • ADE is responsible for the final distribution of funds.
  • In the on-line Fund Alert eligible entities are notified of the amount of grant allocation/award and specifics regarding applying for grant. If the amount of grant allocation/award is not posted in the on-line Fund Alert and you did not receive an official letter advising an allocation/award amount, then contact the appropriate program office for further assistance.
  • Entitlement/formula grant(s) typically available on-line via the Grants Management On-line Applications.
  • Does not require approval of the State Board of Education.

Discretionary/Competitive Grant

  • A grant award that is typically not based on a formula or legislative mandate.
  • Distribution of these funds is based upon the specific criterion of the grant where ADE acts as the administering agent and has responsibility for the final disposition of such funds.
    • Examples: targeted audience and/or specific populations to be served, demographic factors, etc.
  • Some Competitive grant applications are available on-line via the Grants Management On-line Applications. If not, then it will most likely be accepted Hardcopy and contact the appropriate program office for further assistance.
  • Original applications must be received by the date and time specified.
  • Require approval of the State Board of Education.

When filling out the On-line Application Line Item page what figure is Indirect Cost applied against?

Indirect Cost can be applied against all line items except Indirect Cost and Capital Outlay. E.g., if the project subtotal equals $1,000 and the LEA's Indirect Cost Rate (ICR) is 6.25%, the LEA can apply 6.25% against that $1,000 of anticipated expenditures. If the final project subtotal expenditures do not reach $1,000, the Indirect Cost line item must be reduced in direct proportion. Care must also be taken not to exceed programmatic limits.

See the Indirect Cost FAQ section for more information.

I have noticed while filling out the On-line Application Line Item page that my LEA's Indirect Cost Rate (ICR) is set at zero? How does my LEA obtain an approved Indirect Cost Rate?

If a zero Indirect Cost rate is indicated ADE did not receive a request to calculate one because the LEA did not submit the required documentation, or the LEA was not approved for an Indirect Cost rate.

See the Indirect Cost FAQ section for more information.

The 'Max ADE Restricted Indirect Cost Allowed' is automatically calculated and increases/decreases depending on the amount being budgeted in the line items. What is the calculation?

While budgeting for Indirect Cost, that line item cannot exceed the 'Max ADE Restricted Indirect Cost Allowed'. The allowable amount is calculated by multiplying the project subtotal (excludes Indirect Cost and Capital Outlay) times the approved Indirect Cost rate.

See the Indirect Cost FAQ section for more information.

My LEA has an approved Indirect Cost Rate of 6.24%. When I submitted for a grant we were told the maximum allowable Indirect Cost was only 5%. Why did we have to take a lower rate then what we were approved for?

Indirect Cost may be restricted or disallowed on some grants. In this instance, the grant itself was had an additional restriction. The Maximum Allowable Indirect Cost Rate by Grant Matrix can be found on the Glossary page.

I've noticed that Capital Outlay justification requirements seem to differ by grant. Is there one centralized source for accessing requirements for each grant?

The Capital Outlay Justification Requirement Matrix lists restrictions for each grant. The matrix can be found in the Grants Management Glossary under Capital Outlay Justification Page.

Why doesn't the On-line Application for a Federal grant allow me to schedule payments in advance? Instead I must schedule the first month then place the remainder in the RSP. Can you explain this?

All Federal grants must follow Cash Management guidelines. In an On-line or Hardcopy Federal grant Application the LEA is to place the amount for their fist months 30-day needs (encumbrances) in that given month. Then place the remaining amount in RSP (Remaining Schedule Payment). The remaining amount is placed in RSP because it acts as a "bank"; to hold the rest of the projects funds until a compliant Cash Management report is submitted showing a needed disbursement.

See the Cash Management FAQ section for more information.

I've been working on my Application all day and find that all my information did not save. What happened?

The Common Logon allows unlimited time usage unless there is over 30 minutes with no page activity or the browser window is closed. If time does not permit to enter all the On-line Application data at once, it is a good idea to save the pages that have been filled out and exit the Application until a later time.

What happens to my application once it has been submitted? How will I know when it's approved or rejected?

Once an application has been submitted on-line via the Grants Management On-line Application the appropriate program office reviews it for accuracy and adherence to program requirements on a first come, first served basis. If the Application is approvable it is forwarded for administrative approval. Once administrative approval has been obtained the Application can be approved and will then turn into a project. The person(s) whose email appears in the on-line Application Contact page will receive an email stating that the Application has been approved. If the Application is not approvable it is then rejected and an email is sent to the person(s) listed in the on-line Application Contact page stating why the Application was rejected and what needs to be done before it is resubmitted. It can then be modified and resubmitted or canceled.

Same approval process is followed for a Hardcopy Application as stated above in the On-line Application process. The only thing that differs is that the applicants are notified by phone, postal mail, or via email of project approval or if an application is rejected.

If you have a question that's not answered here, please contact us at:

Grants Management
1535 West Jefferson, Bin 3
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
Phone: (602) 542-3452

This page was last updated on June 27, 2003.