FAQ: |
When are completion reports due? |
Completion Reports must be submitted to the Arizona Department of Education (ADE) within 90 calendar days after the project end date.
Rejected Completion Reports must be resubmitted to ADE within 30 days. |
What will happen if a Completion Report is not submitted by the deadline? |
That years project will be placed on Completion Report Overdue hold. Any future/current year projects would then be placed on Completion Report-Prior Year Completion Report hold and all payments will be suspended until ADE is in receipt of a valid Completion Report. |
What happens when an electronic completion report is rejected? |
The Grants Management Enterprise System will send an auto-generated rejection email notification to the contact person(s) email address(es) listed on the Contacts Page of the Completion Report. The email will include comments as to why it has been rejected, how to make corrections and any other pertinent information. Once a Completion Report has been rejected an LEA has 30 days from the rejection date to re-enter the online Completion Report process, edit and make necessary changes to the rejected Completion Report, and resubmit. |
Do all grants/projects require Completion Reports to be submitted? |
Yes Completion Reports are required for ALL grants, meaning both state and federal. |
We over-expended our grant/project approved total budget (bottom line) and the system will not allow us to submit the Completion Report. What do we do? |
Make appropriate transfers to local funds to resolve the over-expenditure. Re-adjust the reported expenditure to match the approved total budget, and then submit the Completion Report. |
How can I use the Amendment process to avoid an overexpenditure or unauthorized expenditure at Completion Report time? How does that relate to the "10% or $1,000, whichever is greater" rule? |
The ability to transfer all or partial monies from one line item to another is dependent upon grant guidelines and program office approval. Any requested changes cannot be acted upon until approved by the program office. Anticipated expenditures that would cause an overexpenditure or unauthorized expenditure must be requested no later than 90 days prior to the project end date. Final expenditures (with the exception of Indirect Cost) may exceed the last approved line items by no more than 10% or $1,000, whichever is greater, without exceeding the budget total. |
Which line items are subject to the "10% or $1,000, whichever is greater" rule? |
All approved budget line items except Indirect Cost. Indirect Cost may not exceed the indirect cost rate times the subtotal of the actual expenditures, excluding capital outlay. |
Upon submittal of a Completion Report we found we had negative cash on hand. Will we receive those funds that have not yet been disbursed by the Arizona Department of Education to cover our negative cash balance? |
Once the Completion Report has been reviewed and approved by the appropriate program office, funds will be released up to the amount remaining or to bring the balance to zero, whichever is less. |
Do all projects require a programmatic narrative to be submitted at the same time that the financial Completion Report is submitted? |
No. Whether a grant/project requires a programmatic narrative is contingent upon the specific program guidelines governing the particular grant. To find out if a grant/project requires a programmatic narrative along with the completion report, contact the appropriate program office responsible for administering the grant and/or go to the Completion Reports Downloads link found on the Grants Management Enterprise homepage. |
How can I verify the status of a Completion Report for a specific grant/project? |
There are three ways to check.
- Click on the Project Summary hyperlink from the Grants Management Enterprise homepage. Filter by choosing the specific FY, grant, and entity in question and click on the button "Show Projects". Click on the project and scroll to the bottom and click on the "Previous Projects CR Status" button. Then next page will display the status of all Completion Reports for that particular grant.
- Click on the Project Summary hyperlink from the Grants Management Enterprise homepage. Filter by choosing the specific FY, grant, and entity in question and click on the button "Show Projects". Click on the project and then scroll to the bottom and click on the "Project Event Log" button. The next page will display an order of events including status.
- See question below.
How can I view the status for ALL my Completion Reports, not just grant/project specific? |
A username and password is required for this action. To view the status of all of your LEA's projects past and present Completion Report(s) click on the Completion Reports hyperlink from the Grants Management Enterprise homepage. Then choose 'all' or a filter for a particular fiscal year in question, and click the "Show Projects" button. Next a table will be displayed showing the status of the Completion Report(s). |
When should Completion Report monies be remitted back to the Arizona Department of Education (ADE)? |
Only remit funds back to ADE once you have been directed to. When ADE approves a Completion Report, the Grants Management Enterprise System will send an auto-generated email notification to the contact person(s) email address(es) listed on the Contacts Page of the Completion Report indicating the disposition of remaining funds including any amount to be returned. If an amount is indicated to be returned, please send a copy of the Completion Report email or use the Return of Funds Form located on the Grants Management Enterprise Homepage. |