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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

If you see a term or acronym here that you do not understand, use the toggle buttons above to visit the Grants Management Glossary. You can use search tools to quickly find terms on any page by using the 'Find' function. To get the 'Find' function hit Ctrl F or click on Edit in the menu bar, scroll down and click on Find.

You might notice the same question but it has different answers throughout the FAQ section. Answers can vary depending on the process in question. Check and make sure you are reviewing the question that corresponds only to the process you're questioning. A majority of the following FAQs can also be answered in the Grants Management Handbook, which is located as a download on the Grants Management Enterprise homepage.




Is Grants Management Training available?

The Arizona Department of Education (ADE) System Training and Response (STaR) Team in the School Finance Section is available to provide free workshops and one-on-one telephone training to LEAs/PEAs who submit data using ADE online applications. The STaR team supports the entire state from offices in Phoenix, Flagstaff and Tucson. For access to the entire team, please complete our brief, on-line Request for Training and Assistance form at

Workshops offered annually throughout Arizona incorporate all aspects of SAIS data uploading, including ADM, ELL and SPED. The System Training and Response Team also provide training and support to other ADE Business Units on their specific applications, including Grants Management.

For current workshop scheduling and contact information, as well as in depth information on SAIS, please browse to the STaR website at

How can I obtain information on timelines and reporting requirements for our grants/projects?

  • The State and Federal Financial ADE Grants Management Business Rules are available as a download on the Grants Management Enterprise homepage.
  • The Grants Management Handbook contains general and specific grant management information including timelines and reporting requirements. It can be accessed as a download from the Grants Management Enterprise Homepage, or mailed directly from the Grants Management Unit upon request.
  • Refer to the Grants Management calendar, which is available as a download from the Grants Management Enterprise glossary.
  • Grant-specific questions should be directed to the appropriate program office handling the grant. See the Contacts section to contact the appropriate program office.

Arizona Department of Education
Grants Management Bin #3
1535 W Jefferson St
Phoenix, AZ 85007
Phone: (602) 542-3695
Fax: (602) 542-4063