To open August 1998. 6-01 FY 2002 Cap 325 9-01 added grades 11-12. 5-21-02 4 day week approved, 143 days;Changed name from Westwind Academy 6/19/03;enrollment cap changed from 325 to 600 8/2/05;
Our mission is to provide young men and women with a solid educational foundation in a context of care and concern. Westwind Preparatory Academy combines a challenging curriculum with instruction that is marked by a dedication to the mental, physical and moral development of all students. Students will receive a quality education, sensitive to their learning styles and designed to equip them with the skills and core knowledge upon which further learning must be based. Westwind’s curriculum is founded firmly on the fundamental tradition that values the refinement of thought and the cultivation of character that charges individuals with the responsibility to the common good and a global perspective of the world and their places in it.