Arizona Nutrition Standards Calculator

This calculator is provided to assist Local Education Agencies and the general public in determining whether food items meet the Arizona Nutrition Standards.


Here's how to use this calculator:

  • Select the food type in Step 1.
  • Answer the questions in Step 2. If the Nutrition Facts label is displayed, fill it in completely.
  • Read the disclaimer and check the box if you agree.
  • Finally, click the Evaluate button (some products are evaluated automatically).

To evaluate the Sugar Content of a Recipe, Click Here

Arizona Department of Education Nutrition Standards Calculator


Step 1  

Food Type


What type of food are you serving?


I hereby certify that I am responsible for the accurate input of information to determine if a product meets the Arizona Nutrition Standards. I understand that the Arizona Department of Education does not collect or maintain any information submitted or entered into the Arizona Nutrition Calculator.

I agree the Arizona Department of Education is not responsible for the inaccurate input of information into the Arizona Nutrition Calculator by its users. I am solely responsible for the information and the results generated by my input into the Arizona Nutrition Calculator. I understand I may not modify or alter the information provided by the Arizona Nutrition Calculator.

This information is in accordance with Arizona Nutrition Standards Guidelines.


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