Arizona CACFP Nutrition Calculator

This calculator is provided to assist day care centers, in-home providers, and sponsoring organizations in determining whether food items meet the Arizona Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) Fat and Sugar Standards.


CACFP allows no more than 2 high sugar and/or high fat items per week. Excessive high fat and/or sugar items will result in meal disallowances.


Here's how to use this calculator:

  • Determine which test you need to perform, based on the information you have available.
  • Enter the requested information in the spaces provided.
  • Read the disclaimer and check the box if you agree.
  • Finally, click the Evaluate button to see the results.
Arizona Department of Education Nutrition Standards Calculator


Step 1  

Test Type


What type of test do you need to perform?

  • Use the "High Sugar" test if you know the "Sugar per Serving" and "Serving Size" information.
  • Use the "High Fat" test if you know the "Calories from Fat" per serving and the "Calories per Serving" information.
  • Use the "High Fat (no Calories from Fat)" test if you know the "Total Fat" and the "Calories per Serving" information.



I hereby certify that I am responsible for the accurate input of information to determine if a product meets the Arizona CACFP Nutrition Standards. I understand that the Arizona Department of Education does not collect or maintain any information submitted or entered into the Arizona CACFP Nutrition Calculator.

I agree the Arizona Department of Education is not responsible for the inaccurate input of information into the Arizona CACFP Nutrition Calculator by its users. I am solely responsible for the information and the results generated by my input into the Arizona CACFP Nutrition Calculator. I understand I may not modify or alter the information provided by the Arizona CACFP Nutrition Calculator.



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