ADE - Arizona Department
of Education.
Adjusted Cash Balance – The total of all current year ADE
disbursements, plus approved amended local carryover and/or plus approved
amended local interest, which remains in the project account on the day of the
report, after expenditures, less encumbrances.
AFR/Annual Financial Report – A report that presents the district’s
beginning and ending fund balances, revenues and expenditures, and budget to
actual comparisons of revenues and expenditures for the fiscal year. The
information allows district governing boards, administrators, ADE, legislators,
other governmental Agencies, and taxpayers to determine whether districts are
meeting their stewardship responsibilities.
Allowable Cash Balance – The amount of federal money a subrecipient is allowed to have
on hand, which is 0.0% for all federal projects.
Amendment – A change to an approved grant/project which can be fiscal,
programmatic, or both. Amendments can be submitted anytime after a grant/project
has been approved, but no later than 90 days prior to the project end date.
Amendments must be submitted to the ADE via the Internet. See terms below.
Amendment Terms:
- Amendment Deadline - Amendments must be submitted to the ADE via the
Internet no later than 90 days prior to the project end date.
- Fiscal Amendment - A project request that alters line item allocations,
or budgetary changes, which may include the addition of carryover monies.
- Programmatic Amendment - A request to change a project that alters a
description of a line item, (i.e., change of duties, type of contractual
services, project end date).
- Carryover Funds - Funds remaining from a previous year's allocation, that, if
the program allows, may be amended into the current year project's budget. The project
into which funds are amended must be appropriate, for the same purpose, and approved by
the ADE program office administering the grant. Please click on the link to download
and print a copy of the multi-year Fund Carryover Matrix in pdf format.
- Program Review/Approval - The process by which the ADE Program Office
reviews, negotiates, rejects or approves and/or forwards the grant/project
amendment to the associate superintendent for final approval. In order to
approve any grant/project amendment, the Program Office reviews it for
completeness and compliance with business rule and grant criteria. This criteria
consists of but is not limited to confirming and reviewing budget and program
specific information.
- Amendment Approval/Final Approval - The point at which the grant/project
amendment is reviewed, by the associate superintendent, for propriety of
expenditures and concurrence with ADE goals and objectives and subsequently
approved. If satisfied, the associate superintendent returns the signed and
approved grant/project amendment to the Program Office.
Application – A grant application is the applicant’s request for
grant funds. The source of these funds may be either state or federal.
Applications for grant funding must be submitted, in accordance with program
office requirements, to the ADE via the Internet unless notified otherwise.
- Application Distribution – The process by which grant application
forms are distributed to potential applicants. Hardcopy forms will be
distributed to predetermined eligible entities when the application is not
available online.
- Application Deadline/Due Date - Discretionary/Competitive grants must
be received by the ADE by the date and time specified on the Fund Alert and/or
application notification. Entitlement/Formula grants may be available after
the posted deadline. Click the contact link above to determine the appropriate
program office contact person in order to verify if an application is
available for submittal after the deadline.
- Chart of Accounts – Section III-E-2.1 through III-E-3.9 of the USFR
(or USFRCS if a charter school) that is determined by the OAG and ADE for use in
detailing function and object codes in a grant application. The Chart of Accounts
Matrix can also be used as a guide, with final responsibility for coding resting
with the applicant/subrecipient. Contact the appropriate Program Area administering
the grant for further information.
- Indirect Cost - Those expenses that incur for the joint benefit of
more than one project and cannot be readily and specifically identified with a
particular project without effort disproportionate to the results achieved.
Indirect Cost can ONLY be applied to federally funded projects, however, may
be restricted or disallowed on some federal grants. The maximum amount payable
is calculated by multiplying the Approved Restricted Rate times the Actual
Subtotal Expenditures, unless more stringent grant limits exist. Click
here to download the FY09
Maximum Allowable Indirect Cost Matrix by grant.
- Capital Outlay Justification Page - The page requiring the detailing
of intended capital outlay expenditures. Please click here to view (in pdf format) the FY09 capital outlay justification requirements by
- Programmatic Narrative - Supplemental documentation required for a
specific grant. This may be in the form of programmatic questions that are
part of the online application, but may also be downloadable narratives to be
emailed as attachments or mailed directly to the appropriate program office. A
grant application is not considered complete unless the budgetary and
programmatic narrative, if required, has been received.
- Application Submittal - The process of submitting a grant application
for review by the appropriate ADE program office.
- Program Review/Approval - The process by which the ADE Program Office
reviews, negotiates, rejects or approves and/or forwards the grant application
to the associate superintendent for final approval. In order to approve any
grant application, the Program Office reviews it for completeness and
compliance with business rule and grant criteria. This criteria consists of
but is not limited to confirming and reviewing budget and program specific
- Application Approval/Final Approval -The point at which the grant
application is reviewed, by the associate superintendent, for propriety of
expenditures and concurrence with ADE goals and objectives and subsequently
approved. If satisfied, the associate superintendent returns the signed and
approved grant application to the Program Office.
- Payment Schedules for Federal projects – In the online application
process for federal projects applicants will be asked only what their
immediate 30 day needs are (Encumbrances). Thereafter, the payment schedule
will be driven by monthly cash management reports. See Cash Management
Terms for further description.
Audit Evaluation – A required annual evaluation that entities fill out
which describes that entity's Federal funding expended during the previous
fiscal year. Even if no Federal funding was received/expended during the
previous fiscal year, the Audit Evaluation must be completed and returned to
ADE. Visit the homepage to download and print all documents necessary to fulfill
this requirement.
Board – The term "Board" usually refers to the State Board of
Education. In some circumstances the term "Board" may refer to the
Charter School Board or Local School Board.
Browser – A program which resides on you computer. It allows you to
navigate and read information on the World Wide Web. May be called an Internet
browser or Web browser. (Examples: Internet Explorer, Netscape)
Budget Balance – The project total minus project expenditures.
Budget Description Page – The page detailing itemized costs and the
rationale for each of the budgeted line item expenditure.
Budget Report Page – The page specifically identifying the intended
expenditure of grants funds by function and object code.
Capital Expenditure – An expenditure intended to benefit future
periods. Any expenditure for the acquisition of land and improvements to land,
buildings and equipment, with a unit price of $1000 or more, and considered as
either property or fixed assets should be budgeted as capital expenditures.
Capital Outlay Justification Page – The page requiring the detailing
and justification of intended capital outlay expenditures. Please click here
to view (in pdf format) the FY09 capital outlay justification requirements by
Carryover Funds – Funds remaining from a previous year's allocation, that, if
the program allows, may be amended into the current year project's budget. The project
into which funds are amended must be appropriate, for the same purpose, and approved by
the ADE program office administering the grant. Please click on the link to download
and print a copy of the multi-year Fund Carryover Matrix in pdf format.
See Amendment Terms.
Cash Balance – The total of all current year ADE disbursements, plus
approved amended local carryover and/or approved amended local interest, which
remains in the project account on the day of the report, after expenditures.
Cash Management Report – A report submitted between the 1st
and 18th of every month which is required of all projects
awarded from a federal grant fund. The report ensures a subgrantee does not have
excess cash on hand, which would place future funds on hold. Cash management
reports are not required for state funded projects. See Cash Management Terms
below for further definition.
Cash Management Terms: (also see FAQs under Cash Management for important
- Adjusted Cash Balance – The total of all current year ADE
disbursements, plus approved amended local carryover and/or plus approved
amended local interest, which remains in the project account on the day of the
report, after expenditures, less encumbrances.
- Allowable Cash Balance – The amount of federal money a subrecipient is allowed to
have on hand, which is 0.0% for all federal projects.
- Cash Balance – The total of all current year ADE disbursements, plus
approved amended local carryover and/or approved amended local interest, which
remains in the project account on the day of the report, after expenditures.
- Encumbrances/Requisitions - The amount of money reserved to pay obligations (received
but unpaid invoices which can be paid within 30 days of the cash advance request) and/or two
payroll periods (not to exceed a 30 day payroll cash advance).
- Compliance/Compliant – The subrecipient reports no excess cash. Meaning the adjusted
cash balance equals zero, or less than.
- Non-Compliance/Non-Compliant – The subrecipient reports excess cash. Meaning the
adjusted cash balance is greater than zero.
- Negative Cash Balance – This occurs when expenditures are greater
than the project’s cash balance. Any negative cash balance on a federal
project should be entered in the Cash Balance box in a cash management report.
This amount is reimbursable during the next payment cycle, as long as the
project does not have any holds placed on it.
- Reimbursement – The amount of money indicated as a negative cash
balance in a cash management report. This amount will be paid to the project
(plus any immediate needs indicated in the report) during the next payment
cycle, provided that the project does not have any holds placed on it.
Cash on Hand - The amount of money that remains in the project account after the
project ends, after all expenditures have been made. This does NOT include any interest earned
on funds from monies deposited to this grant account. These funds (where permissible and
approved by the ADE Program Office) may be considered as carryover funds to be amended into
the next year's project. Please click on the link to download and print a copy of the
multi-year Fund Carryover Matrix in pdf format.
See Completion Report Terms.
C.F.D.A. – Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance.
Chart of Accounts – Section III-E-2.1 through III-E-3.9 of the USFR
(or USFRCS if a charter school) that is determined by the OAG and ADE for use in
detailing function and object codes in a grant application. The Chart of Accounts
Matrix can also be used as a guide, with final responsibility for coding resting
with the applicant/subrecipient. Contact the appropriate Program Area administering
the grant for further information.
College grants – The Arizona Department (with few possible exceptions)
does not provide loans or grants to individuals desiring to attend an
Institution of Higher Learning (colleges, universities, etc.). The grants
Management Office facilitates the provision of State and Federal grant
assistance to subrecipient s only (Local Educational Agencies such as districts
and charter schools). Therefore, please contact the financial aid administrator
at your college or university, or the U.S Department of Education online at
Common Logon – A web page that allows subrecipients to have access to
one or more ADE online processes through the use of a username and password. See
General Statement of Assurance (GSA).
Completion Report – A fiscal report accounting of actual expenditures
associated with a project. The subrecipient must submit a completion report
electronically to ADE within 90 days after the end of the project end date to be
considered compliant and allow current year grant/project funding to continue to
flow. There is no grace period.
Completion Report Terms:
- Total Budgeted Funds – The amount of money that equals all of the
budgeted line items, i.e. the Project Total.
- Current Fiscal Year ADE Disbursement– The total amount of money
disbursed to the subrecipient by ADE for a specific grant/project.
- Cash On Hand – The amount of money that remains in the project account after the
project ends, after all expenditures have been made. This does NOT include any interest earned
on funds from monies deposited to this grant account. Cash On Hand (where permissible and
approved by the ADE Program Office), may be considered as carryover funds to be amended into
the next year's project. Please click on the link to download and print a copy of the
multi-year Fund Carryover Matrix in pdf format.
See Completion Report Terms.
- Interest Earned – The amount of money earned as a result of a current project's funds
having been placed into an interest bearing account. Disposition of interest earned varies
by grant. Please click on the link to download and print a copy of the multi-year Fund
Carryover Matrix in pdf format. Interest in excess of $100 earned from federal funds must be
returned to the ADE at least quarterly. If there is interest remaining at the end of the project period, you will be directed by the Program Area as to the disposition of that amount at the time the Completion Report is approved.
- Other – Any funds other than those awarded/approved as a part of a
particular grant/project. Please note that all "Other" funds must be
described in the space provided. Examples: Prior year(s) interest and/or budget
balance not amended or returned; refunds from prior year(s) for outdated
warrants, returned goods, etc.
- Indirect Cost - Those expenses that incur for the joint benefit of more
than one project and cannot be readily and specifically identified with a
particular project without effort disproportionate to the results achieved.
Indirect Cost can ONLY be applied to federally funded projects, however, may be
restricted or disallowed on some federal grants. The maximum amount payable is
calculated by multiplying the Approved Restricted Rate times the Actual Subtotal
Expenditures, unless more stringent grant limits exist. Click here to download the FY09 Maximum Allowable Indirect Cost Matrix by grant.
- Budget Balance – The project total minus project expenditures.
- Over-expenditure – An expenditure on all approved budget line items except indirect cost that exceeds the 10% or $1000 allowable whichever is greater.
- Unauthorized Expenditure – An expenditure on a line item with a zero
- Reimbursement - This is the amount of money indicated in a completion
report when the project has not received the full disbursement but the report
indicates that valid/allowable expenditures were made. Upon program office
approval if there is a negative cash on hand and the full allocation has not
been released, funds will then be released up to the amount remaining or to
bring the balance to zero, whichever is less.
Compliance/Compliant – The subrecipient reports no excess cash. Meaning the adjusted
cash balance equals zero, or less than.
Crawler – Also known as a Web crawler or a search engine. A program
that searches for, locates, and categorizes information on the Web.
C.T.D.S. Number – (County, Type, District, Site)
identifies the subrecipient.
Database – A computer file that contains information. The file can be
searched or queried to provide a specific piece of information or sums of
information that may be produced in an organized report.
Disbursement/Disbursed Warrants – Payments made by ADE to the
subrecipient for a grant/project.
Discretionary/Competitive grant – A competitive grant award not based
on a formula or legislative mandate and which requires approval of the State
Board of Education. Distribution of these funds is based upon the criteria of
the grant where ADE acts as the administering agent and has responsibility for
the final disposition of such funds. See Application Terms.
Download (d/l) – The process of transferring information from one
computer "down" to another computer. Information can also be
downloaded from the Internet to a personal computer. A file or document can also
be downloaded from one computer to a disk.
Encumbrances/Requisitions - The amount of money reserved to pay obligations (received
but unpaid invoices not to exceed 30 days of the cash advance request) and/or two payroll
periods (not to exceed a 30 day payroll cash advance).
Entitlement/Formula grant – A grant based on state or federal mandate,
or a formula where ADE does not have discretion and merely acts as a conduit.
ADE does have responsibility for the final distribution of such funds. Such
grants do not require state Board of Education approval.
FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions. A list of the most commonly asked
questions, regarding a specific subject, and their answers. Click here
to access the grants Management FAQ web page.
Final Approval – The point at which the grant application/amendment is
reviewed, by the associate superintendent, for propriety of expenditures and
concurrence with ADE goals and objectives and subsequently approved. If
satisfied, the associate superintendent returns the signed and approved grant
application/amendment to the Program Office. Approval notification is typically
sent to the subrecipient via email (if available) or U. S. postal service.
Fiscal Override Request – A fiscal request to approve the expenditure
of funds used for unbudgeted expenditures or where expenditures exceeded an
approved budgeted line item. This request must be submitted with the Completion
Report. If the request is denied, funds must be transferred from local funds to
the appropriate federal or state program to cover these expenses. See Completion
Report Terms.
Fiscal Amendment – A project request that alters line item allocations or budgetary
changes which may include the addition of carryover monies. Fiscal amendments must be submitted
to the ADE via the Internet no later than 90 days prior to the project end date. Please click
on the link to download and print a copy of the multi-year Fund Carryover Matrix in pdf format.
See Amendment Terms.
Fund Alert/Fund Profile – The process by which potential applicants are
notified of available education grants. Fund Alert information is published on
the ADE grants Management web pages. It is disseminated via public notices to
those entities without Internet access. This information is available to anyone
with Internet access. See Application Terms.
Funding Source Terms:
- Miscellaneous Local – Expired warrants, Local Educational Agencies projects refunds or rebates, revenue from items
sold by LEA or carryover from non-reverting grant that wasn't amended in time.
- Other Local– Monies from Audit Findings.
General Statement of Assurance (GSA) - A contract between the
subrecipient and ADE guaranteeing accountability to the United States and the
State of Arizona that the subrecipient will follow all requirements listed
therein. gSAs must be submitted annually and signed by individuals with
authority to sign for the entity they represent. Visit the homepage to download
and print a copy of this form in pdf format. See Username, Password,
and Common Logon.
Grants Management Handbook – A how-to guide for successfully
negotiating and understanding major principles of applying for a grant through
the grants Management online system. Visit the homepage to download and print a
copy of this document in pdf format.
Home Page – The main, usually the first, Web page for an organization
or individual. It links visitors to other pages at the web site.
Hyperlink – A method of linking a specific word, phrase, picture or
button in a document to other related documents or additional information. The
process is accomplished by clicking on a hyperlink in the original document.
(Buttons and pictures may have accompanying instructions). Netscape or MAC users
may not see color or underline identifiers but can instead identify a hyperlink
by placing the cursor over items on the page.
Hypertext – A word or phrase that will link the user to a related
document, or additional information. On the computer screen, hypertext words or
phrases are normally identified by underlining and/or a contrasting color.
(Buttons and pictures may have accompanying instructions). Netscape or MAC users
may not see color or underline identifiers but can instead identify a hyperlink
by placing the cursor over items on the page.
Indirect Cost – Those expenses that incur for the joint benefit of more
than one project and cannot be readily and specifically identified with a
particular project without effort disproportionate to the results achieved.
Indirect Cost can ONLY be applied to federally funded projects, however, may be
restricted or disallowed on some federal grants. The maximum amount payable is
calculated by multiplying the Approved Restricted Rate times the Actual Subtotal
Expenditures. Click
here to download the FY09
Maximum Allowable Indirect Cost Matrix by grant.
Indirect Cost Rate – The indirect cost rate is calculated from a school district’s/charter
holder’s AFR and approved by the Audit Resolution Unit (ARU). ARU automatically calculates indirect
cost rates. Entities other than school districts/charter holders are required to submit a copy of
their A-87 Cost Allocation Plan (Negotiated Rate Agreement Form) with their application prior to
submittal if indirect cost will be requested. An indirect cost rate is in effect at the project
starting date and is to be used for the entire project period. See AFR/Annual Financial Report.
Indirect cost rates are calculated for Education Service Agencies (ESA) or County School
Superintendent Office’s based on submitted worksheets to ARU.
Information Superhighway – Another name for the Internet.
Interest Earned – The amount of money earned as a result of a current project's funds
having been placed into an interest bearing account. Disposition of interest earned varies
by grant. Please click on the link to download and print a copy of the multi-year Fund
Carryover Matrix in pdf format. Interest in excess of $100 earned from federal funds must be
returned to the ADE on a quarterly basis. If there is interest remaining at the end of the project period, you will be directed by the Program Area as to the disposition of that amount at the time the Completion Report is approved. See Completion Report Terms.
Internet – The Internet is a huge computer network comprised of many
computer networks located worldwide. See World Wide Web.
ISP – Internet Service Provider. An organization, that provides
Internet access to subscribing customers. Well known ISP’s are AOL (America on
Line) and CompuServe. Currently, many companies are becoming ISP’s, such as
APS (Arizona Public Service) and COX Communications.
LAN – Local Area Network. A computer network within a limited area.
Most LAN’s are in the same office or building. See Network.
LEA – Local Education Agency, includes school districts and charter
schools. grants Management uses this term to also refer to other entities
eligible for and/or receiving grant funding administered through ADE.
Login or Logon – A username and/or password entered to gain
access to a computer system. It can also mean accessing a computer system
online. For example, clicking on a Web browser will log a user on the Internet.
See Common Logon.
MAC – Macintosh computer.
Modem – A device that connects a computer to a phone line, allowing the
computer to communicate to other computers.
Network – Two or more computers connected to share resources. Those
resources may include information or peripheral resources such as a printer. A
network may be a LAN (Local Area Network) or WAN (Wide Area Network). The
Internet is a huge network.
Non-Compliance/Non-Compliant – The subrecipient reports excess cash. Meaning the adjusted cash balance is greater than zero. See Revised
Cash Management Report.
Offline – A computer that is not connected to a network. It may be
offline because the network is "down" or the computer may simply be
functioning in a "stand-alone" mode.
Online – A computer connected to a network. Often refers to a computer
that is connected to the Internet.
Over-expenditure – An expenditure on all approved budget line items except indirect cost that exceeds the 10% or $1000 allowable. See Completion Report Terms.
Password – A personal identification number (PIN)/security code issued
to authorized users to gain access to a computer system. For grants Management
purposes, (usernames and) passwords are assigned by the ADE Support Center and
are issued in conjunction with the receipt of a current General Statement of
Assurance (GSA), to those individuals authorized to sign for the entity they
represent. See General Statement of Assurance (GSA), Username, and
Common Logon.
PC/Personal Computer – IBM or compatible computer.
Program Review/Approval – The process by which the ADE Program Office
reviews, negotiates, rejects or approves and/or forwards the grant
application/amendment to the associate superintendent for final approval. In
order to approve any grant application/amendment, the Program Office reviews it
for completeness and compliance with business rule and grant criteria. This
criteria consists of but is not limited to confirming and reviewing budget and
program specific information. See Application Terms.
Programmatic Amendment – A request to change a project that alters the
description of a line item, (i.e., change of duties, type of contractual
services, project-end date). Amendments must be submitted to the ADE via the
Internet no later than 90 days prior to the project end date. See Amendment
Programmatic Hold - The program office has placed a hold on this project.
Visit the Contacts link to determine the appropriate program office contact
person for further information.
Project Number – A number assigned by the ADE that is specific to the
subrecipient and grant/project. See Appendix B in the grants
Management Handbook for
detailed information.
Query – A question posed of, or search performed against, a database.
Query results may vary from a single piece of information to sums of information
that may be organized in a list or an informational report.
Reimbursement (cash-advanced projects eligible for cash management)–
The amount of money indicated as a negative cash balance in a cash management
report. This amount may be paid to the project (plus any immediate needs
indicated in the report) during the next payment cycle, provided that the
project does not have any holds placed on it and the amount does not exceed the
unreleased allocation.
Reimbursement (invoice-based projects) – Funds paid to a project that
is not cash-advanced. Instead, the subrecipient provides verified/certified
invoices showing actual expenditures on the project and receives that amount as
payment in full for the valid/allowable reported expenditures.
Reimbursement (completion report) - This is the amount of money indicated
in a completion report when the project has not received the full disbursement
but the report indicates that valid/allowable expenditures were made. Upon
program office approval if there is a negative cash on hand and the full
allocation has not been released, funds will then be released up to the amount
remaining or to bring the balance to zero, whichever is less.
Revised Cash Management Report – Previously known as an interim cash
management report. A report that communicates to ADE the status of subrecipient
's current federal project's cash balance. When a cash management report
indicates an excess Adjusted Cash Balance, the subgrantee will be considered
non-compliant and current year funding will be interrupted. A revised cash
management report may be submitted between the 1st and the 18th of any month, or
at any time that excess cash no longer exists. Reports can be submitted during
the payment cycle (the 20th – the 1st of every month)
but will not be processed until the 1st., nor will it affect the hold
The next disbursement will not occur until the payment cycle following the next
reporting period. The last opportunity to submit a cash management report and
receive a final month’s payment is between the 1st through 18th of
the month prior. See Cash Management Terms.
RSP - Remaining Scheduled Payment
SAIS – Student Accountability Information System
SEA – State Education Agency, the Arizona Department of Education
Search Engine – Also known as a crawler or Web crawler. A program that
searches for, locates, and, categorizes information on the Web.
Server – A computer that "serves" other computers by
providing file-sharing, routing of information, or delivery of messages.
Subgrantee – LEA subrecipient of a grant award. The State Board of
Education is the grantee, and accepts monies on behalf of the state. ADE, as the
chief educational authority, supervises and administers the monies to
Unauthorized Expenditure – An expenditure on a line item with a zero
budget. See Completion Report Terms.
Upload – The process of transferring information from a local computer
"up" to server or host computer.
URL – Universal Resource Locator. The URL is the Web site address, the
location of the Internet resource.
Username – Online system designation of authorized user. For grants
Management purposes it is a form of user's actual name and frequently referred
to as user ID. The username is issued in conjunction with the password upon
receipt of a current General Statement of Assurance (GSA). See general
Statement of Assurance (gSA), Password, and Common Logon.
USFR – Uniform System of Financial Records. The USFR prescribes the
minimum internal control policies and procedures to be used by Arizona school
districts for accounting, financial reporting, budgeting, attendance reporting,
and various other compliance requirements. For further information on accessing
this resource contact the Arizona Department of Education, Central Distribution
Services at (602) 542-3088.
USFRCS – Uniform System of Financial Records for Arizona Charter
Schools. The USFRCS prescribes the minimum internal control structure policies
and procedures for charter schools for accounting, financial reporting,
budgeting, attendance reporting, and various legal compliance requirements. For
further information on accessing this resource contact the Arizona Department of
Education, Central Distribution Services at (602) 542-3088.
W-9 - A Federal form used to provide an entity's TIN (Tax Identification Number) to
another entity. The ADE requires this form in order to pay subrecipients. Click this link to
download and print a copy of the W-9, then return the signed copy to the grants Management office
at 1535 West Jefferson, Bin 3, Phoenix, Arizona 85007. If the entity is a charter school, the name
on the W-9 must match the charter contract name.
Waiver Request – A request for a waiver of any statutory or regulatory
requirements as permitted by federal statute or state and federal regulation.
WAN – Wide Area Network. A computer network not limited to a single
building or campus. It is private, connected via phone lines or cable, and
normally dedicated to a specific enterprise. While the Internet is not limited
in size or scope it is not private and therefore not a WAN. Anyone with a
browser and an ISP can access the Internet.
Web – See World Wide Web.
Windows – A popular, personal computer operating system, using graphics
instead of arcane computer language. Users point their mouse on an icon and
click to link to a program or application.
Web Page – The display point of information at the Web site. Web pages
are the foundation of the World Wide Web, linked together they form the
Web Site – A location or address on the World Wide Web. (EXAMPLE:
The ADE Web site is
World Wide Web – The "Web" is the body of information
accessed via the Internet. The Internet is a huge computer network comprised of
many computer networks linked together and located worldwide. See Server